As you surf the internet and particular websites, you may often see blogs written by companies and sent out on a weekly or monthly basis. This is a marketing tactic that a lot of companies take advantage of. So should your company be utilizing this tactic? Let’s dive deeper.
A lot of companies get excited when it comes to different marketing tactics – which is great – but the truth is, not every company needs to utilize every single marketing tactic. Or at least, not right away! Let us build up to that point. Here at StrategyNest, we believe in following a marketing strategy that slowly but surely builds power over time. A blog is most often times a tactic that we deploy after we have done a few others first – such as making sure that your website is in tip top shape (because, after all, that is where people will be reading the blog!). Overall, while deciding if a blog is a tactic you should use, timing is a thing to consider.
A few other things to consider when deciding if a blog is the right marketing tactic you would like to use are:
1. Who will be writing them? Does this person have the expertise to create valuable content?
2. Do you have a plethora of relevant topics you can write about?
3. Will you have readers? If not, is it worth the time spent writing it?
Here at StrategyNest, we will always be real and honest with you.
If a client asks us if we personally believe they should utilize the marketing tactic of a blog, we honestly almost always answer YES!!
Why not?! Blogs are such a fun way to connect with your audience and show a bit more of your company culture. Blogs are also an easy and cheap way to trial and error different marketing tactics. There is really no harm if it is not as successful as hoped.
Here are 15 reasons why we believe you should consider a blog for your company:
1. A blog will increase visitors to your website
2. A blog helps current customers or clients engage with you
3. A blog has a good return on investment
4. A blog gives you a different way to communicate with your audience
5. A blog shows that you have expertise in your industry
6. A blog provides social media or LinkedIn content
7. A blog improves your SEO
8. A blog gives you more insight into your audience and what they like or want to learn more about
9. A blog may create more leads, conversions or sales
10. A blog helps grow your email list
11. A blog helps establish trust in your company and builds your brand
12. A blog may help your business compete with/against competitors
13. A blog boosts your company visibility
14. A blog gives your company a voice
15. A blog is statistically shown to help businesses grow
Are you ready to start your blog? StrategyNest would be more than happy to help. Visit us on our “Contact Us” page to scheduled a consultation today!