Voice — Blog — StrategyNest

What You're Asking About Right Now: Marketing And The Election

Last week we talked about brand voice. This week we want to talk a little bit about your voice as individuals at a company right now.

As Election Day is 5 days away, we know that is just about everything people are discussing right now.

A question we continue to get from our clients is: what do we do with our marketing on the topic? Do we post about it? Do we not? What do we say?

We understand. It’s hard to know what the best thing to do is!

One thing we always say to our clients and people who ask for our advice is: do what makes you comfortable! As a company, you never want to make yourself, your employees, and your audience and supporters uncomfortable or offended.

In years past, many companies have strayed from the topic of anything politics for this very reason. However, this year in particular, companies have started to speak out more and more about Election Day!

Now, as a company, we would not suggest posting in support of a particular “side” or person. This could go wrong very quickly.

If you are a company interested in discussing this important topic without being offensive, what we do suggest is encouraging people to check their registration status and polling location. We suggest offering links to voter information. We suggest telling people of of the importance of voting and how crucial it is to use your voice. Companies like Uber, Nike, Amazon, and of course Facebook and Instagram have been doing all of the above.

As a digital marketing company, we do think it is okay if you want to post on Election Day encouraging and reminding people to go vote and use their voice. We do, however, want to remind people that it is okay to not post about it as well! Again, we believe it is what makes you and your team comfortable.

With that being said, make sure to get out and vote everyone! Your voice is important and we hope you always remember that!

Contact StrategyNest for more information or advice on the hard marketing topics! We will help you through it.