
Why It Is So Important To Unplug

As a digital marketing agency, StrategyNest team members know better than anyone how hard it is to unplug from technology. Studies have told us year after year that time spent in front of our screens, including phones, computers, TVs, tablets, and more, is increasing rapidly; it is even said that, “people spend most of their waking hours staring at screens”. While it is our job to market your business through digital channels like social media, content creation and design, marketing automation, paid online ads and email, we also believe it is important for everyone of all professions and ages to find time to unplug from the digital world. Furthermore, over the past few years, the concept of unplugging, or ditching technology for a given period of time, has become popular amongst bloggers, tech wizards, and thought leaders around the web.

With National Day of Unplugging tomorrow, we thought we would share the reasons we feel it is important to take time away from your screens here and there.

1. Multitasking with technology is considered to almost never boost productivity, rather a distraction from what’s important and inhibits the form of short-term memories

2. You’ll have the chance to really see and experience what’s going on around you

3. Studies show spending a mass amount of time online can actively harm relationships, interpersonal communication skills and mental health

4. Research shows that we need weekends and nights off to disconnect and recuperate from the stresses of work

5. Technology has been proven to interfere with our sleep by reducing melatonin levels

6. Unplugging helps to decrease feelings of jealousy, envy, loneliness and anxiety

7. You can experience increased solitude and self-reflection from unplugging

8. Studies show those who spend a majority of their time online have decreased interest in volunteering, donating or helping to solve the world’s problems

9. Like a muscle, the brain physically needs recovery time in order to develop and grow (and retain new memories)

10. Once you’re away, you can better understand how reliant you are on technology

As lovers of technology and the amazing opportunities it provides us, we are not dismissing the use of our devices by any means. We hope what you take away from this is simply that we could probably all do well to give technology a rest here and there. Could you cut the cord for a small amount every day? For one day a week? Have you done so already? Let us know below!